Bol.com is working hard at several disiplines. Second hand books, toys, you name it and they sell it.
What information do they have about the new Nintendo DS XL or alternatively the Nintendo DSi? Founded very quickly, however it was not directly clear to me that the XL also have two camera's. After a search on Google I found that fact.
Do they have the book titled "help mijn dochter is hoogbegaafd". Yes they have it. However the information about the book is poor. More information is available via a Google search, and you even will find the book in Google books.
On a personal scale of 5 stars, I will give bol.com 3 stars (remember this test is subjective).
Ditzo is about insurrance. I want to know what happens if I buy a new car and how much I have to pay after an accident.
No information found about the insurrance when switching cars (sold the old one and bought a new one). No information found about the monthly costs after an accident.
On a personal scale of 5 stars, ditzo.nl got zero stars.
Eduhub is about training. It is a very advanced startpage. Lets see what the can tell me about sculpture ("beeldhouwen") and "electro installateur".
Found a 1 day Art event for "beeldhouwen". That's not what I am looking for. Searching for "electro installateur" gave zero results, however searching for "installateur" gave 10 hits. The second hit contained the information I was looking for.
Eduhub got 3 stars (out of 5). It could have been 4 if they have usefull information about "beeldhouwen".
I rarely sleep in a hotel. Too expensive. But hey, lets give it a try. A hotel for a romantic weekend near the sea, and a F1 hotel or something like that near Paris.
Wow, found very quickly a hotel for a romatic weekend I will choose Cape Helius. And now up to the sun. The first day we will make it to Paris (plus minus 50 kilometer). Hmm, something went wrong is a strange message when there are no search results. Ok found that hotels.nl is for hotels in the Benelux.
I will give 4 stars, out of 5.
At nos.nl it is all about news.
Recently it was not possible to fly. How many people still need their flight? Not found.
Sony stopped with the 3.5 inch disc. Is that a newsitem? Yes, great article.
I don't use nos.nl often, I prefer nu.nl, however the content seems ok. 3 stars out of 5 for the content.
I build this site, but hey lets fake that I knew nothing. What would I like to find on this site?
Where is the site about?
Where are the shops?
Found directly where the site is about. No useful information found about "winkels" or "boodschappen", however the information about "Sluis" is ok.
I give 3 out of 5 stars.
So the ranking is:
- hotels.nl with 4 stars;
- bol.com, eduhub.nl, nos.nl and helenahoeve.nl with 3 stars;
- ditzo.nl with zero stars.
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