Monday, 26 April 2010

The usability test

Okay, what to test when you want to test the usability? The ease of use? Okay, lets try.
Lets buy a book ("priemgetallen").
  1. Search for priemgetallen
    The first result is the right one
  2. Click on "In winkelwagentje"
  3. Click on "Bestellen"
    Login or create an account
  4. Create an account
  5. Fill in the form
    First error made, filled in name instead of given name
    Got a question about the present service allthough I use the same address
  6. Click on continu
    Have to give my e-mail address and a password
    Very bad, I have to un-tick that I want a newsletter
    Very bad, I have to type my e-mail address twice
  7. Click on check the given information
  8. Click on Pay (and stopped)
It is easy, but some things could be improved. Good is that the postal code and the house number was enough.
Lets buy an insurrance for my car
  1. Given the identification of the car and pressed "Bereken je premie"
  2. Given all information, it is clear where you are in the process, however I need to give my email address twice and I have to wait to long to go to the next step
  3. Process stopped at the moment I had to give the "meldcode" I was too lazy to search for it
Lets book a simple course

Selected a course form the homepage, Apple's OSX, selected the first course and then ... did not know what to do next. Process stopped.
Try to book a hotel.

I have to enter the dates first before I can do what I want, I have to search again for the wanted hotel. 
However after found the hotel I want for the price I want I only have to enter my name and e-mail address (twice!). Easy. Process stopped to prevent a reservation.
I want to see the weather as mentioned in the journal of 20.00 o'clock. 

Found in two click the weather report of the 18.00 o'clock journal. Great.
Try to camp with my own caravan in august.

  1. Look at availability
  2. Created a reservation
  3. Checking if the reservation is correct. Process stopped

Best user experience so far.
  3. - Much more information is necessary for a reservation than
Overall score

In my humble opinion should be the winner of the usability award 2010.

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